Programme - Draft


17th October 2018
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Resavska 15, hall 1, Belgrade
09:30 Registration
Welcome Speech
Mihailo Vesovic, Advisor to the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS)
Stevan Nikcevic, State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia
Kenji Yamada, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan
Satoshi Abe, Special Advisor, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry/  General Director JETRO Vienna Office
Goran Pekez, President of Japanese Business Alliance in Serbia (JBAS)
Doing Business with Japan: 
  • Japanese business manners; Sectorial focus - Trends in Japanese IT & Food and beverages industry 
    Satoshi Abe, Special Advisor,Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry/ General Director JETRO Vienna Office
  • Introduction to Kaizen philosophy 
    Gabriela Zahan, EHS & Process Improvement Manager, JT International AD Senta
  • How to successfully do business with Japan
    Vera Popovic, Commercial Sector Director, Elixir Food d.o.o.
11:00 Panel discussion: Business cooperation between Serbia and Japan
Moderator - Danijela Cabarkapa, Executive Director, JBAS

  • Goran Pekez, Corporate Affairs and Communications Director JTI Western Balkan/ President of JBAS
  • Naoki Tsukada, General Manager, Mitsubishi Corporation/member of JBAS Board of Directors
  • Djordje Ljubojevic, Head of Sales, Sirogojno Company d.o.o.
  • Aleksandra Popovic Kojic, Advisor for the Strategic Investments, Development Agency of Serbia
  • Mihailo Vesovic, Advisor to the President of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
11:45 Q & A Session
12:00 Networking lunch
Procurement Event - the first supplier day for Japanese companies in Serbia
13:00 - 16:30 B2B meetings (meetings have to approved in advance)


Bilateral Talks

  • Participants44
  • Meetings Requested112
  • Meetings Accepted40


Profile views

  • Before Event1627
  • After Event104390


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